
Prepare for a STEM-related career in healthcare, 医学, 环境管理, 生命科学, 和更多的. As a student in one of the largest programs on campus, you will be challenged to perform in both the classroom 和 laboratory. Learn from numerous full-time faculty with terminal degrees 和 active research projects.  

生物学 Program Highlights

  • 满足你的 在进行职前培训 requirements 和 get strong training for medical, dentistry, pharmacy, veterinary school, 和更多的.  
  • Work directly with advisors to strengthen your c和idacy for graduate or professional programs.
  • Design your own fruit fly experiment through our pilot Course-based 本科 研究 Experiences (CUREs) program.
  • Engage in ongoing opportunities for grant funding, state recognition, 和 independent research.


Our biology faculty maintain active research programs of their own 和 encourages students to apply for grants, conduct independent mentored research, 和 present their findings at state 和 regional meetings.

  • Dr. 维达Mingo is part of the Genomics Education Partnership 和 uses bioinformatics to help create a national database of genetic sequences.
  • Dr. Kirt喜怒无常 uses macroinvertebrates to examine ecological relationships 和 monitor environmental factors
  • Dr. 玛丽沼泽 is interested in how environmental pressures impact the immune systems of fish, 常见的生物医学模型, as well as basic biological research examining systems as diverse as spider webs to tomato fungi to fisheries forensics


  • Two recent biology majors received awards for their presentations at the South Carolina Academy of Science meetings. These students were also invited to publish their work in the Journal of the South Carolina Academy of Science.
  • 在过去的5年里, ten biology students secured grant funding to conduct independent research from the South Carolina Independent College 和 University Faculty-Student 研究 program.
  • Two of the last three 哥伦比亚大学 Savory PURL (Program for 本科 研究 和 Learning) award winners were biology majors. These students received grant funding for independent research.
  • Two recent biology majors were awarded the Dr. Selden K Smith Endowed Scholarship for Student Global Experience 和 traveled 到 Central Philippines for ecology research 和 Masindi, Ug和a for a medical mission trip, 分别. Clover also obtained funding from the SC Explorer’s Club Youth Grant. 

形态 & 好处

Get a traditional college experience with lively in-person classroom discussions 和 close proximity to your professors, 导师, 最好的朋友. 


1月 & 8月  

  • Semester-Based时间表
  • Face-to-Face Instruction (some 在线 options)
  • 亲临办公时间 & 支持
  • 的关系 & 网络
  • 课外活动 & Immersive Campus Experience


主要 & 小的需求


  • 生物学基础  
    Introduce key concepts 和 technical procedures for the study of biology. 
  • 生物多样性
    Learn about the phenomena of life 和 of living systems.
  • 科学研讨会
    Explore your interests with an internship, independent study 和/or research. 

Study 生物学 with Purpose

The median annual wage for healthcare professionals 和 technical practitioners is $75,040 (BLS). With countless opportunities to specialize 和 build on a biology degree, this major can be the ideal choice for students who want to help others.

Go Anywhere with a 生物学 Degree

  • 医生
  • 医师助理(PA)
  • 兽医
  • 药剂师
  • 卫生技术人员
  • 临床实验室科学家
  • 食品科学家
  • 海洋生物学家


  • Study Coordinator for Oncology
  • 肾元制药
  • SC Department of Natural Resources
  • MUSC的病人技术
  • 科学老师


  • USC School of Medicine (MD, PA, 和 PharmD programs)
  • University of Georgia Veterinary School
  • The Dental College of Georgia
  • MUSC (MS in Biomedical Sciences)


Your strong biology foundation will make you a strong c和idate for any graduate program from medical, dental, 和 pharmacy school医疗管理业务 programs right here at 哥伦比亚大学.